
My Life Be Like…..

By April 5, 2010 3 Comments

Im trying to do more Video to keep things new and innovative. This is my attempt at that!

This was all filmed in a day just a week ago and the ice is still great. I will have my Icepalooza trip report up very soon….sorry for all of those that have been waiting but hopefully this video will suffice.

Be sure to turn off the Coldfear stereo at the bottom of the page so that you can tune in to the music on the video!



  • Goods says:

    Rad video! Loved the little clip of the glissade, pretty funny bit! Also like how the camera moved with your body while climbing, it looked awesome.

    Is your rig for the climbing home-made? Looked like maybe piece of PVC?

  • Adam says:

    Super Cool!. A bit long, but awesome stuff

  • Anonymous says:

    Great video and music, I'm jealous.
    And, it is not to long.